Our Committee

Chairman - David Whittle
0116 230 3991

Secretary - Lynne Barton
01509 238257

Treasurer - Paul Weston 07514 685408

Mixed Captains-Midweek - Pam Unitt 0116 237 5586 or 07598160369 and Sue Lewin 0116 210 6661

Mixed Captains-Saturday - tbc

Men’s Monday League Captain - Geoff Porter
- 07948 324905

Mixed Wednesday Night League Captain - John Williams 07543699383

Competition Secretaries - Kathryn Whittle
0116 230 3991

Green Officer Coordinator - Kim Thomas 07971 549908

Fixture Secretary - Trudi Porter

Safeguarding Officer - Kathryn Whittle

Bowls Leicestershire Delegates - David Whittle 0116 230 3991

Bowls Loughborough Delegate -  Geoff Porter - 07948 324905

Please contact the relevant committee member on the contact details above,
or alternatively send us an enquiry form by clicking below: